Are there non-animal-derived alternatives to common animal products I currently use?

Yes. It is important to remember that products simulating flesh, eggs, dairy, honey, and other substances are not necessary to human health or pleasure. However, alternatives to animal products both eaten individually and used as ingredients are now widely available.


Replacements for animal flesh range from deli slices and sausages to faux chicken and pepperoni. Also consider less processed foods prepared similarly to animal products, such as orange sesame tofu or fried chicken-style seitan (“wheat meat”), many of which you can make at home with the help of recipes.


Numerous milk alternatives have arrived on the market in recent decades. Soy milk is available at most grocery stores. For those who prefer to minimize their soy intake or who are allergic, alternative milks are made from almonds, rice, coconuts, cashews, hazelnuts, hemp, and oats. You can even find soy and coconut milk coffee creamers, yogurts, and other products at some mainstream grocery stores. If you live in a less populous area, look for natural food and specialty stores.

Cheese alternatives have made great strides as well, with several brands competing on taste, texture, and so on. This includes meltable shreds for pizza and tacos, aged nut cheeses to serve with crackers, parmesan-style flakes or shreds, single serve sandwich slices, spreadable cheeses and dips, and more. Also consider alternatives to using faux cheese on certain foods, such as Red Star nutritional yeast in place of parmesan.

A variety of frozen desserts are made from almond milk, rice milk, soy milk, and even coconut milk.


In recent years, packaged replacements for egg scrambles have made it to market, but creative chefs have written recipes that use tofu to create delicious omelets, scrambles, and even quiches (sample quiche recipe here). Search the web or try out some cookbooks.

For baking, substituting eggs is simply a matter of using a replacement that provides the recipe with the same sorts of properties. You’re not replacing eggs; you’re replacing what eggs do in the recipe. Some of the many alternatives include ground flax seeds whipped with water (1 Tbsp:2 Tbsp), silken tofu, applesauce, banana, and Ener-G Egg Replacer, a product you can buy online or at local health food stores.

Instead of traditional mayonnaise, look for any of several vegan versions at your local health food store, or find a silken tofu-based recipe online.


Depending on what you’re using it for, you might try maple syrup, agave nectar, date syrup, brown rice syrup, molasses, or a more specialized honey replacement product.

A list of common hidden animal ingredients can be found here.